Explore the national park in our backyard for fabulous birding
Looking for summer birds? Check out Ohio's only national park
When I was a student at the
University of Akron, I launched a writing project about a dream plan
I had heard about that required me to interview my congressman, U.S.
Rep. John Seiberling of Akron.
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Eastern towhee |
had a vision for a federal land grant that would preserve a green
buffer zone between Cleveland and Akron, protecting the 33,000-acre
Cuyahoga River corridor from almost certain development.
45 years later, Seiberling’s dream is a reality: the Cuyahoga
Valley National Park, an environmental treasure and one of the best
birding destinations in Northeast Ohio.
when my son, Bret, recently came home for a visit and suggested we
spend some quality time birding, it was only logical we would head
out for the CVNP.
has been my birding partner since he was 12, and is one of the best
birders I know. He graduated from Columbia University, and is
preparing to begin his second year at the New Jersey Medical School,
so our birding opportunities are limited. Which made this day all the
more special.
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Hooded warbler/Gary Meszaros |
was a magical day, sunny and breezy, with the air filled with song
and flying creatures. Not just birds, but butterflies, dragonflies
and damselflies, too. There were more tiger swallowtails than I had
ever seen before, joined by monarchs, black swallowtails, even
several hummingbird moths working the wild bergamot blossoms.
must have been multitudes of flying insects too because swallows were
coursing the river and fields, dominated by barn swallows, with
rough-winged and tree swallows, and purple martins.
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Eastern kingbird/Tom Fishburn |
kicked off our tour of the CVNP at the Oak Hill Trailhead, where
indigo buntings were singing from the treetops, and a yellow-billed
cuckoo streaked by.
Pond featured the familiar songs of common yellowthroats and Eastern
towhees, plus another interesting call: “chip burr.” We located
its source, a female scarlet tanager gleaning insects from the
cool, dark forest at the Deep Lock Quarry Metro Park is probably the
valley’s most reliable habitat for finding the secretive hooded
warbler. We saw three of them, including one at close range that
didn’t seem bothered by our presence. The songs of yellow-throated
warblers, Acadian flycatchers, red-eyed vireos, and Carolina wrens
echoed through the trees.
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Henslow's sparrow/Jerry Talkington |
a lunch break in Peninsula, we walked the nearby Towpath Trail, where
we were greeted by a spotted sandpiper working the rocky shoreline of
the river. The high-pitched screech of a broad-winged hawk pierced
the solitude of the rushing water. An Eastern wood-pewee called its
name from a hidden perch, and two yellow warblers chased each other
through the shady canopy.
birding visit to the CVNP wouldn’t be complete without a stop at
the Station Road Bridge Trailhead. The bald eagles have fledged from
the nest in the Pinery Narrows, so we walked the recently opened
railroad tracks to the swamp, which was busy with wood ducks, green
herons, red-headed woodpeckers and, predictably, an adult eagle
surveying its domain from atop a dead tree snag.
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Yellow-throated warbler/Gary Meszaros |
kingbirds chattered as they snatched insects on the wing. A
red-shouldered hawk called as it circled overhead, and we were
reunited with birds we had seen earlier in the day: yellow-throated
and hooded warblers, common yellowthroats, indigo buntings, and cedar
wrapped up our birding adventure with a short drive out of the CVNP
to the Bath Nature Preserve, where we were rewarded with several of
our target birds in the broad swath of grasslands there. Bath is the
go-to destination for Henslow’s sparrows, bobolinks and Eastern
meadowlarks, and they didn’t let us down, providing multiple
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Cedar waxwing/Bret McCarty |
passing thunderstorm sent us scrambling to a small shelter, but after
it passed and the sun came out the birds were active. Immediately, a
male scarlet tanager flew to a bare tree and began singing its
tell-tale song described as sounding like a robin with a sore throat.
Field sparrows entertained us with their ping-pong like song, joined
by swamp and song sparrows, buntings, willow and great crested
flycatchers, brown thrasher, and a marsh wren rattling from the reeds
of a nearby wetland.
nesting activity at the pond has provided excitement all summer, with
lots of wood ducks and a pair of trumpeter swans that settled atop a
muskrat den. Unfortunately, we only spotted one of the cygnets in the
company of the adults. The missing cygnet apparently was the victim
of a predator.
of the best summer nesting seasons in memory is coming to a close.
Soon, the Baltimore orioles and yellow warblers will depart for their
wintering grounds in Central and South America, followed by the rest
of our North American songbirds. But the fall migration can be as
exciting as the spring migration. I hope to see many of you on bird
walks in Northeast Ohio in the weeks to come.
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