Birding the Rio Grande Valley, dreading the Wall
ALAMO, Texas – As the nation debates the wisdom of a potentially devastating wall along our southern border, the wildlife that shares this spectacular stretch of habitat continues to survive and thrive in the Rio Grande Valley of southeast Texas.
can only imagine how long this situation will last. Already, noisy
bulldozers are belching exhaust and plowing mountains of soil
adjacent to the National Butterfly Center, which remains in business
in defiance of the threats just outside its gates in Mission.
this mounting uncertainty, I joined a group of Northeast Ohio birders
for a week exploring the Valley earlier this month. We feared we
would never have this opportunity again, depending on the life or
death of the Wall.
always, the birds, animals and butterflies of the Valley did not
Buff-bellied hummingbird/Bret McCarty |
feeding stations at Salineno below Falcon Dam had closed unexpectedly
a few weeks earlier, but the trails skirting the river were busy with
Valley specialties such as Morelet’s seedeaters, red-billed pigeon
and a ringed kingfisher, similar but decidedly larger than our
familiar belted kingfisher. A pyrrhuloxia, cactus wren and lark
sparrows were highlights at the ancient Mexican cemetery there.
the farm roads on our return to Alamo, we enjoyed close-up views of
crested caracaras and white-tailed hawks, plus an especially exciting
encounter with a Western diamond-backed rattlesnake in the grass by
the roadside.
Aplomado falcon/Bret McCarty |
The best way to explore the ponds, vast wetlands and scrub-filled fields of Laguna Atascosa are in the comfort of large-windowed touring van, which took us down miles of dirt roads inaccessible to the public, closed in recent years to protect the resident ocelots from becoming roadkill.
of waterfowl, shorebirds and white pelicans dotted the ponds, and a
roadrunner dashed away at our approach. Northern harriers cruised
over the fields.
the highlight of the tour came as we were parked beside a pond, and a
raptor dove into an island of tall grass. When the stunning bird
emerged and hovered overhead, seeking its feathered prey, we were
dazzled by priceless views of an endangered aplomado falcon, a boldly
plumed bird that was reintroduced at the refuge a decade ago and has
been thriving there in recent years.
Bobcat/Bret McCarty |
Ana offered rarities such as tropical parula warbler and
groove-billed anis, plus the best views of buff-bellied hummingbirds,
clay-colored thrush, long-billed thrasher, olive sparrows, Louisiana
waterthrush, least grebes, cinnamon teal, and black-necked stilts.
Western diamondback rattlesnake/Bret McCarty |
birders first, but the most exciting event of the week was probably
during our drive on a backroad to the Anzalduas County Park. As we
approached the ancient La Lomita Mission, a wildcat appeared in the
grass by the roadside: a bobcat!
than fleeing in terror into the underbrush, the bobcat regarded us
with idle curiosity, wagging its tail and ambling leisurely down a
dirt path skirting a field. Jeff and I had seen bobcats during
previous trips to the Valley, but they were typically fleeting
glimpses. This one was unforgettable.
Scissor-tailed flycatchers/Bret McCarty |
Bret has amazingly sensitive hearing, and heard the grosbeak in a
nearby stand of shrubs. He caught a fleeting glimpse of the bird, a
green female with a black face, but the rest of us weren’t so
McAllen’s lushly landscaped neighborhoods provided ample
opportunities for viewing noisy flocks of red-crowned parrots and
green parakeets.
Armadillo/Bret McCarty |
had ended feeding the birds at Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, but the
excitement there continued as hundreds of migrating hawks –
primarily broad-wings, but also Swainson’s and gray – circled in
kettles overhead, riding the winds of an approaching storm front.
the proposed wall would have less of an impact on migrating raptors,
it would cleave a hundred miles of precious terrain, blocking wild
pathways for other migrating birds, jaguars, ocelots and javelinas
and destroying private property, iconic parks and the beloved
historic chapel of La Lomita, built in 1865, which we visited.
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Long-billed thrasher/Karen Lakus |
to imagine, but the levee running beside La Lomita chapel, in the
tiny hamlet of Madero … is now designated to be the course of a new
border wall, cutting the chapel off from its congregation,” The
Guardian newspaper wrote March 31.
Roy Snipes, known locally as the ‘cowboy priest’ for his Stetson
hat, leads prayers for his chapel to be spared. ‘It would still be
a sacred place,’ he said, ‘but it would be a sacred place that
was desecrated.’”
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